Highlights Of Our Vacation Program
High Effectiveness You can take advantage of the holiday time to complete a high level of Chinese courses, not only to save time, but also can experience more elements of Chinese culture, so that the holiday becomes more meaningful. |
Small Group Class Each class only 2-10 students, you will encounter the classmate from different countries/background, small group is also the characteristics of our school. |
Study Tour For a quality vacations, we add a variety of activites, such as cultural and extracurricular activities, including Mahjong culture, Making dumplings and visiting some famous places, etc.. |
Progarm Dates
2017 Spring Program 03.06-08.25 (25 weeks) 03.06-07.28 (21 weeks)
2017 Summer Program 07.10-08.04 (4 weeks) 08.07-09.01 (4 weeks) |
2017 Fall Program 03.06-08.25 (25 weeks) 03.06-07.28 (21 weeks) |
2017 Weinter Program 12.18-01.12 (4 weeks) 01.15-02.09 (4 weeks) |
Special Offer! 10% Off
Apply 2 months in advance for any program and get 10% off the regular tuition fee! Contact our staff for more information.